Do you rescue?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What is a rescue?

This is something that some people heavily debate. I'm curious as to others thoughts.

I personally feel that a rescue is an official organization, generally with non-profit status that is a full-time occupation. It should be run by at the very least more than one individual. It should handle a number of cases a year and the focus should be on rehabilitating and rehoming animals of one kind or another into proper, responsible homes. Most of the animals that enter should not stay forever. However, there should be facilities available to house animals should things not work out, and in the case of rodent and bird rescues, facilities for proper quarantine.

Foster rescues are still rescues, because the foster homes themselves can count as facilities. However, in this case at he very least the vet-bills must be covered by the rescue, otherwise it is merely a foster-system. There should also be frequent check-ins to ensure that the rehabilitation process is going smoothly and there are not underlying problems in the home.

Rescues should have a good relationship with a vet that is very experienced with the animals they deal with. I don't believe in exotic rescues that lack exotic vets; I don't care if the animal is rare. If the only tiger vet is in Alabama then I expect the tiger rescues to be in Alabama, not New York. They should be able to provide basic services for their animals (in many kinds of animals, neutering and spaying) and be willing and able to provide ongoing help to adopters throughout the animal's lifespan.

Events should be seen as educational opportunities as much as funding. Details about the organization should be available on an official website. You should be able to easily see their non-profit status, how they operate, the types of animals they accept and don't accept and the overall philosophy they go by.

I believe that a rescuer can be someone working independently off their own dime and can handle as many or as few cases at they are capable of. A person that takes in 2 animals a year can be a rescuer, but is not a rescue.

I also do not believe a sanctuary is a rescue, but that is a topic all it's own. I will delve into that later.

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About Me

I am a private rodent rescuer who believes that the rescuing community needs to come together and define common values. Their should be a stronger focus on educating ignorant owners than on snark. The opinions expressed in the blog are my own and not necessarily rules. They are what I live by. If what I say pisses you off feel free to discuss in the comments.