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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Why You Should Never Buy From A Petstore

I’m sure if you are reading this blog that you are most likely aware that pet-store animals come from some very nasty places. Most are “mill bred” not just the puppies. It’s become out of favor to buy puppies from petstores, and I haven’t seen a cat in one my entire life! This is due to the massive (and successful!) campaign efforts that many of the humane societies, rescuers and animal advocates have done. It is a victory.

But at the same time, we forget the smaller members of our pet trade. The hamsters, the rats, the ferrets, the rabbits, the parakeets and other critters that make up the bulk of pet-store live-purchases. Why weren’t they included in these campaigns?

These two photos are from the same 10 gallon (yes, 10) tank at the same time. 6 females and a male and the litters between them. This is where your pet-store rodents come from. Places like this. This is ALSO where non-humanely raised F/T rats come from, for people who just advocate frozen-thawed without thinking about where it comes from.

This heavily pregnant female is being held by her tail for this shot, I think I see the blood from the beginnings of degloving on her tail.

Of course mill-breeding has massive effects on the health and temperament of the offspring. They are also ill-socialized and prone to fearing humans. These crowded conditions and inbreeding generally lead to animals that die before the average lifespan. In the case of rats, they are prone to URIs and tumors and often come home with mites, worms and other problems. Finding rats missing eyes or ears or with infected wounds aren’t uncommon.
It’s sad to me that there is very little information available of mills other than for puppies. Just google it yourself, there’s very little. Other species experience the same harm, the same issues that puppies do and yet it’s considered perfectly acceptable to walk out of a petstore with critters.

Next time you are in a petstore and feel tempted by those cute little faces peering at you, remember this—everyone that you buy, you support this, regardless of how nice your pet display is at your store. Reptile people, when you buy F/T without asking how it is raised you are supporting this. Buying from a petstore is not rescuing. Upgrading one animal’s life, perhaps but by paying them any amount, you tell them that this is okay and acceptable, regardless of the expression you have on your face as you buy them, or what you tell them.

Oh, and you can thank Aqualand Pets Plus a petstore from Iowa for the above fantastic pictures of proper ratcare from their pet-care sheets. Really guys, their care-sheets are worth reading...if you want nightmares.


CalicoJenn said...

i agree on the no petstore animals.. aqualand is located at :3600 Sixth Avenue Des Moines, IA 50313 cording to their website, not California.

AnEthicalRescuer said...

Thanks, *headdesk* I wonder where I got California from?

RandomWiktor said...

Thank you! I am so pleased to see someone advocating against pet stores for all animals. So many of the same people I see ranting and raving about puppy mills have no qualms with running to the pet store to buy a mouse, fish, or bird despite the fact that these animals are often bred and kept under even more deplorable conditions. It's nice to see a rescuer who is ethically consistent about pet stores.

About Me

I am a private rodent rescuer who believes that the rescuing community needs to come together and define common values. Their should be a stronger focus on educating ignorant owners than on snark. The opinions expressed in the blog are my own and not necessarily rules. They are what I live by. If what I say pisses you off feel free to discuss in the comments.